Facial Reflexology Experiences
1. Today I was introduced to a man in a wheelchair and the first thing I noticed was how clenched and turned his right hand was. I asked him if he could open his clenched hand at all. He showed me in a most awkward way and he seemed to have to strain to do so. I then asked permission to touch the side of his face and worked on the right temple area which he loved, and whilst doing so we noticed his right hand was slowly softening and partially opening. I then worked the forehead arm zone. After only few minutes, his hand seemed even more open and when I asked him to open the fingers – amazingly, he was able to open the hand without having to move his shoulder up towards his ear and throw his arm out sideways as he had done the first couple of times. He himself noticed the ease of movement. I too couldn’t believe the power of so little face work.
He was smiling and laughing. He had had meningitis as a young boy and has been in a chair since.
2. Male client last night – after the massage I asked him to let me practice on facial reflex. Stomach was biggest deposit; also balanced the stomach plexis. At end of treatment he said he found it very difficult to open his eyes; it was as if they just didn’t want them to open. He is a sensitive to touch person anyway. He said he didn’t know where he went but was aware of most vivid colours and dreams during treatment, which he loved. Eventually he went home after a couple of glasses of water.
3. Male client late today; quite severe oedema , especially in the left leg. Deepest deposit in chin/hormonal area (had prostate removed early last year from cancer and lymph nodes removed from groin). After full facial reflexology including additionals of balancing NP hormones, plexis, and points for circulation from Marie’s book – very noticeable difference in swelling of legs and feet. Finished with lymphatic drainage on feet and even more difference in swelling of calves, skin colour and texture.
Peta Butson 12/6/08
Case Study |
Reflexologist: David Henry 282 Laurel Creek Drive Hendersonville, NC 28792 Phone: 828.685.9985 Cell: 828.778.9985 Email: October 6, 2009 to December 16,2009 Gender: Female Age: 58 |
Occupation: | Computer Technician – Real Estate Broker – Website Design/SEO | |
Symptoms: | Pain in lower leg and feet – calcification at proximal calcaneus – sensitivity in the Gastrocnemius muscle. There is a thick congestion that accumulates around the proximal calcaneus – lateral and medial to the achilles tendon. The congestion is firm but can be manipulated and disperses after repeated foot reflexology. She says her “calf muscles” are usually tender to the touch. Client says that she feels that her overweight condition contributes to her sensitive feet and lower leg problems. Also what she characterizes as peri-menopausal symptoms including hot flashes, night sweats and insomnia. | |
Notes: | Client has seen a Doctor of Oriental Medicine on 4 occasions for acupuncture The doctor says she has “limited chi in the Spleen Meridian” and that her Gall Bladder “does not produce”. The congestion in her feet diminished during these sessions but returned when she elected to discontinue her acupuncture treatments – an economic decision. | |
Treatment Plan: | Largest deposit: Stomach Seven steps with the following focus areas: Step 4 – Focus on the sensory organ zones: Mouth & Lips Step 5 Focus on somatic zones for lower leg and feet Additional between Step 6 & Step 7 NP Balancing — Stomach-Plexus Balancing – all points for anxiety Nerve Points: Foot 34, 461 Nerve Points: Ankle 107,347 Nerve Points: Leg 6,360 |
Session Date: | October 30,2009 | |
First Treatment: | Largest deposit: Stomach Seven steps with the following focus areas: Step 4 – Focus on the sensory organ zones: Mouth & Lips Step 5 Focus on somatic zones for lower leg and feet Additional between Step 6 & Step 7 NP Balancing — Stomach-Plexus Balancing – all points for anxiety Nerve Points: Foot 34, 461 Nerve Points: Ankle 107,347 Nerve Points: Leg 6,360 |
Session Date: | Nov 6, 2009 | |
Session Feedback: | Client slept throughout the last session. She says she felt totally relaxed and rejuvenated after the session. She went to bed earlier in the evening than normal and slept later the next day. There was no pain in her feet when she awoke. | |
Second Treatment Same session: | Seven steps with the following focus areas: Step 4 – Focus on the sensory organ zones: Mouth & Lips Step 5 Focus on somatic zones for lower leg and feet |
Case Study: Anxiety and Depression
After reading an article on Facial Reflexology, X contacted me for a series of Facial Reflexology sessions. X is a 50 year old female who has been suffering from anxiety, panic attacks and depression for 14 years. Since the death of her mother two years ago the anxiety has become more severe as she has been plagued by bad dreams and emerging memories of a difficult childhood.
X is unable to work and her panic attacks cause her to feel nauseous, break into a sweat and she feels her ‘heart beating in her ears’. She finds it impossible to be in enclosed spaces such as shopping centres and often bursts into tears for no particular reason. The anxiety sits in her stomach like a ‘big black thing.’
Other health issues:
– Extremely overweight
– Heavy smoker
– Severe weeping eczema on her forearms for past 5 years
– Some allergies
– Slightly underactive thyroid
Medication: | Antidepressant | |
Current treatment: | Cognitive Behavioural Therapy | |
Treatment: | Treatments were weekly and I followed the same procedure for the first 5 sessions. The largest deposit was located in the lung reflexes of the face which is not surprising given her smoking history and skin problems (skin relates to the lungs in TCM). The treatment protocol in Facial Reflexology is always based on the location of the biggest deposit. This means that the lungs and colon received additional stimulation and the balance work related to those organs. Nerve points for the lungs and skin are also treated as were points on her face and ears for anxiety and depression. I finished the session with some foot reflexology of the nervous and lymphatic systems. | |
Results: | At the second session she reported having been less anxious all week and that she had not had any panic attacks (two per week was usual for her). At the third session she was feeling so much better and had even been able to remain in a shopping centre without feeling nauseous or having an urge to flee. No panic attacks and no tears that week. The skin on her arms was showing improvement. At the fourth session her improvement continued. Still no panic attacks, some low level anxiety but she was now so happy with reflexology that she had booked into a reflexology course. She had also decided to attend a weekend Journey Intensive (facilitated by founder of this work Brandon Bays) to address the emotional trauma from her childhood. At the fifth session her skin showed significant improvement – the inflammation was fading, less itching and the open weeping areas were healing; no panic attacks; she was bravely dealing with the painful memories that were emerging from the Journeywork. | |
Six Months Later: | X has continued to come for reflexology treatment, now every second week if she can. Her arms are free of eczema, she no longer has panic attacks and she has given up smoking. She now sees the psychologist monthly instead of weekly and although she has ups and downs with depression and anxiety, these symptoms are much more manageable and there is a clear connection between their presence and the work she is doing on clearing the issues from her past. |
Sue Ehinger, 2010
Case Study: John Patrick’s Story
Written by his mother Eliza Martin Way, Denmark
John Patrick is a happy 10 year-old and he was born with a genetic disorder.
John Patrick’s birth was long and problematic. After many hours of a difficult labor it was necessary to deliver him by an emergency C-section. It was immediately apparent to the doctors who delivered him that something was wrong with him. The subsequent prolonged hospital stay was difficult for me and my son.
To keep him alive, it was necessary to place John Patrick in an incubator. Unfortunately from the monitoring equipment, he received some terrible burns on his hands and feet.
After some time we were told by the doctors that John Patrick had a rare genetic disorder. The only real prognosis we were told was that his life expectancy would be short. They told us that this genetic disorder, amongst other things, would cause his inner organs to be deformed.
The doctors also informed us that his learning ability would be impaired and their evaluation was not very encouraging. The prognosis of John Patrick living in a vegetative state for the rest of his life was a daunting prospect.
John Patrick was then subjected to a wide range of examinations that eliminated, amongst other things, the previously predicted deformity of his inner organs. The examinations also determined the nature of his condition more precisely.
From the beginning, things did not look good for John Patrick. He was a fragile child who needed a lot of care and attention. In the following years we were gradually able to see and define many of his impairments.
We were unable to make eye-contact with him. We noticed when we picked him up from daycare he seemed not to recognize us and we later discovered that it was because his eyesight was really bad. John Patrick was unable to see us because he had only 20% visibility. His hearing was impaired and he had fluid in his ears. He lacked muscle tone, had problems with his balance and his feet were crooked. John Patrick had asthma and a lot of intestinal problems, amongst other problems.
I did everything that I possibly could to “train” him and was inspired by reading different books about learning and play techniques and massage for children. The main problem was that the majority of those books were designed for “normal” children. However I persevered and massaged and trained John Patrick as well as I possibly could. I even got some positive results too.
Amongst other things, he learned to walk, keep his balance, eat by himself and play structurally. There were still a lot of other things that I didn’t have the knowledge to help him with. A couple of those areas that I didn’t know very much about were how to teach him social skills and fantasy play.
My main obstacle in training and helping John Patrick was the apparent lack of availability of qualified help or advice, so I was forced to search for the necessary tools and methods myself and try to apply them as best I could. Imagine my disappointment and frustration when it didn’t work.
When John Patrick was five years old I met Lone Sorensen founder of the Global Institute of Facial Reflexology. I had been encouraged to take part in one of the reflexology courses she was running for parents of handicapped children. It was the first time that I had ever met a person who not only understood what I was going through, but also knew and understood a lot about disabilities. I must admit that I was skeptical at first; I remember wondering “can so little stimulation really have such a big effect?”
I had, after all, struggled with massage, physical training, games and many other types of physically demanding activities. I was well aware of how much effort was needed just to achieve a little result. Here was a person who was telling me that by using only one and a half hours of stimulation a day, I would see obvious results after a very short time. At the same time I just couldn’t help but trust in Lone – she gave me new hope, she made me feel that I was no longer alone in my efforts to stimulate and improve the life of my son.
Following this course for parents I began to stimulate John Patrick with a type of pressure stimulation called Temprana Therapy. John Patrick really enjoyed it and we both found that it was very pleasant for me to stimulate his face, hands and feet – we very quickly built up a closer relationship.
After only a week of Temprana stimulation I began to see results.
The process started with a cleansing of the body and as a result his asthma and intestinal problems became worse, he had an outbreak of eczema in many places on his body – but it didn’t itch. This is apparently a normal reaction to the treatment.
During this period, I was constantly in touch with Lone who kept encouraging me to continue with the therapy.
I already began to see positive results within the first month – John Patrick stopped drooling and spitting up, it was such a great relief for me. John Patrick’s balance became visibly better and he began to run around for the first time. I was able to hold prolonged eye contact with him; John Patrick started having eye contact with me throughout the entire stimulation session. The first time that happened, tears ran down my cheeks, it was a wonderful feeling to suddenly have this connection with my son.
After four months of stimulation Temprana therapy we went to see an orthopedic surgeon who remarked that his feet where less crooked – that for me was a major victory! John Patrick’s asthma improved significantly and his intestinal problems were much better.
More and more positive and better results became apparent as the years went by. Some improvements happened quickly while others took longer.
Sometimes when one problem disappeared or showed improvement another previously present, but unknown one would appear and demand attention. This meant that Lone needed to constantly modify the treatment program to keep up with developments – this illustrates the high level of support and encouragement that I have received from Lone.
I have now been using Temprana Therapy stimulation on John Patrick for five years and the many positive results that we have achieved have vastly improved my son’s quality of life.
Here is a list of the most remarkable ones:
- His hearing has improved so much that he no longer needs a hearing aid.
- He no longer suffers from asthma.
- His intestinal problems are greatly improved.
- His vision is now within normal parameters and he has good visual memory. (it was only 20% before!)
- He plays computer games and has a high level of concentration.
- His social abilities have improved from being virtually non-existent. Now he seeks play and contact with adults and other children.
- He has a well-developed sense of humor and likes to tease others (especially adults).
- He has a strong self will and is able to express it.
- His general physical health has improved enormously.
- He has shown great improvement in his personal abilities with everyday tasks such as; eating/drinking, dressing/undressing and helping with everyday tasks such as clearing up after himself.
I have no illusions about John Patrick’s abilities. I am acutely aware that he will never be what is regarded as a 100% normally functioning boy, but the improvement in his quality of life and his ability to function has definitely improved.
When I look at him today I see a boy who is living and exploring his life. Generally he has a happy and harmonic nature, but sometimes does have a temper when he doesn’t get his own way.
Lone Sorensen has given me an invaluable tool. Using Temprana Therapy has made and will continue to make it possible to improve my son’s ability to function well in a wide range of areas. Using Temprana Therapy on John Patrick has also greatly improved my son’s quality of life on a daily basis – a prospect that I never could have imagined when I first set out on this journey.
Eliza Martin Way
Case Study – Body Balance
Here is one case I had that amazed me with the speed at which the body was bought back into balance.
The client complained of sore eyes, tiredness, irritability, chest hurt when breathing, and a persistent sore throat.
I did the 7 basic steps and then decided to treat the liver & gallbladder as most of the symptoms related to this energy system.
Result: improved sleep, sore throat gone, breathing much better and eyes much improved, temperament much improved.
After a second session all that remained was a slight flicker in one eyelid. Annie Glade-Wright
Case Study: 52 year old female presented following the surgical removal of her left parotid gland two months before.
- Partial paralysis of the buccinator muscle due to damage to the facial nerve, and numbness in the ear lobe and cheek.
- Presenting symptoms – unable to whistle, kiss, chew or manipulate food on that side of the mouth; unable to smile on the left side.
- Treatment involved stimulation of neurovascular points and nerve points for the facial nerve; muscle stimulation – 5 treatments, one every 2 weeks.
- Following the first treatment she was able to briefly whistle and noticed more power and control over the cheek muscle.
- After 4 sessions her lips appeared normal when she smiled, she could whistle and could eat an apple.
- By Session 5 she felt almost back to normal.
Case Study: 50 year old female who has been suffering from anxiety, panic attacks and depression for 14 years.
- Is unable to work and her panic attacks cause her to feel nauseous and break into a sweat; she feels her ‘heart beating in her ears’.
- She finds it impossible to be in enclosed spaces such as a shopping centre and often bursts into tears for no reason.
- Since the death of her mother two years ago, the anxiety has become more severe as she has been plagued by bad dreams and emerging memories of a difficult childhood.
Other health issues:
- Extremely overweight
- Heavy smoker
- Severe weeping eczema on her forearms for past 5 years
- Some allergies
- Slightly underactive thyroid
Current treatment: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
- Treatments were weekly and I followed the same procedure for the first 5 sessions.
- The largest deposit was located in the lung reflexes of the face – not surprising given her smoking history and skin problems (skin relates to the lungs in TCM).
- The treatment protocol included additional stimulation and the balance work for the lungs and colon; stimulation of nerve points for the lungs and skin as well as points on her face and ears for anxiety and depression.
- Foot reflexology of the nervous and lymphatic systems was also included in most sessions.
- At the second session she reported having been less anxious all week with no panic attacks (two per week was usual for her).
- At the third session she was feeling so much better and had even been able to remain in a shopping centre without feeling nauseous or having an urge to flee. No panic attacks and no tears that week. The skin on her arms was showing improvement.
- At the fourth session her improvement continued. Still no panic attacks; some low level anxiety …… but she was now so happy with reflexology that she had booked into a reflexology course!
- At the fifth session her skin showed significant improvement – the inflammation was fading, less itching and the open weeping areas were healing; no panic attacks; she was better able to deal with the painful memories that were emerging in her therapy work.
Six months later: She has continued to come for reflexology treatment, now every second week if she can. Her arms are free of eczema, she no longer has panic attacks and she trying to give up smoking.
She now sees the psychologist monthly instead of weekly and, although she has ups and downs with depression and anxiety, these symptoms are much more manageable and there is a clear connection between their presence and the work she is doing on clearing the issues from her past.
Case Study: 3 1/2 yr old boy born with agenesis of the corpus callosum
- Only started to walk recently.
- Difficulty with balance and co-ordination.
- Difficulty with swallowing so had choking episodes every morning and at meal times.
- Could not speak other than some sounds – mother uses signing.
- Dribbled a lot.
- Processing information took 15-20 seconds before response.
- Treatment focus: brain, throat, cervical spine, motor-sensory part of brain.
- After 2nd treatment began to talk. After 3rd said ‘I love you mummy’. Data processing was now immediate.
- After 5th treatment there were no more choking episodes. No more drooling at night.
- After 7th treatment he could eat solids and liquids together eg in a soup. Could do a puzzle – previously impossible.
Auto Immune Thyroid Disease
I thought you might be interested in a wonderful result one of my clients has been having with Facial Reflexology.
Lady presented with Auto-Immune Thyroid disease. She has managed over a period of time to reduce the antibodies in her system quite significantly by eliminating gluten from her diet, but she wanted to do more. She got my contact details from the RAoA website and we began working with Facial Reflexology as I believed this would help her the best.
After only 4 sessions with me she visited her specialist and her antibody level had dropped by 54% since her last visit to the doctor.. She still has a way to go, but she is very pleased with the treatments and her doctor said she has never seen such a dramatic drop in antibodies in such a short period of time before.
It was very exciting for us to get such a great result so quickly. Thank you for teaching me such a wonderful skill.
Lee Irwin, Sydney
Multiple Sclerosis
It is now one year since I have been treating an MS patient, woman, 30 years of age. The first symptoms appeared in 2001, diagnosis 2003. The patient had following symptoms before treatment; She has less sensation in the left side of the body’, sometimes missing feeling in the forearm and fingers and dropping things from her hand; decreased force and sensitivity in the left leg, bone cold, but cannot feel it is cold; drop foot; had almost no movement the toes; cramps and spasm in the leg in the evening when she is tired. Legs were worst in the morning, difficulty controlling the leg in the first half hour after getting up. Problems with keeping her balance; problems with standing on one leg, jumping or walking on toes or heels. Visual function: unstable eyes following movement, night blind. Memory: hard to remember (short term memory) General condition: frequently constipated, frequent urination and recurrent cystitis, lower back pain. She had bladder dysfunction.
After 13 treatments with Facial Reflexology and Neuro-Foot Reflexology: Legs: normal temperature. Can now feel difference between cold and warm. No spasm or cramps. Can hold the balance even with her eyes closed. Can stand on one leg and jump. Can walk up and down stairs without support. Can move the toes and feet up and down and touch the heel and toe to the floor. Now rarely uses the support for her leg. Visual function; improved and night blindness resolved. Can now play ball with her children (can catch a ball). Observes if an object comes toward her. Her bladder function is normal, rarely cystitis. No constipation. She has become much more independent in her daily life.
From Marion, Denmark